GLS is an European logistics company operating internationally. Through the GLS ParcelShop program they motivate independent retailers to become distribution partners.

GLS Parcel Shops is an app tailored for these retailers that operate as delivery pick-up points. The app allows the stores to handle all the required steps in the shipment of packages.

The previous version of the app was brought to us by the team of Web Developers that implemented it, so that we could make a re-design that solved some of the existing functionality issues in order to re-launch the app over 3.000 new locations.


User Research
Interaction design
Visual design


During our first meeting with the team of Web Developers, they handed us the previous version of the app along with the following requirements:

- Only develop the web app for the shops, the back office app is not necessary

- It should be responsive, the user can access it via desktop or mobile (Android or iOS)

- To follow the Material design system from Google that is currently being used by GLS

-Accessing the webpage will require a login with a username and password

- There are five possible use cases that users need to perform when interacting with the app, these are the following:

previous version of GLS Parcel Shops


In order to understand better what were the issues in the previous version of the app and how could we solve them, we conducted a thorough research compounded by:

After gathering all the insights needed, we identified the main problems that we wanted to tackle in our re-design.

User Persona

Final Prototype


We explored an onboarding concept to give users additional resources to understand how the webApp works. This sample should guide the user through the process of delivering a package to a Recipient using the new version of the app.


The creative concept helps define the very core of GLS's message. Its purpose is to summarize the major themes and content used as a guide through the creative process. The feeling GLS's web app hopefully gives the user is global, practical, and available.



· Allow the user to download a .pdf summarizing the profits

· Add the option for Parcel Shops to notify GLS when they are closed or on vacation

· Translate the app to Portuguese and other languages so that the app can be used in other countries


· Bring users closer to what they came for

· Adapt to each users unique needs

· Communicate with Engineers to ensure designs are feasible

I'm always happy to hear any comments or feedback,
don't hesitate contacting me if you have any:

Thank you for stopping by.

Yeray Aranega, 2020